Among the most significant expansions in the range of VRELAIN products, there is Ayuverdic line that consists in items that grant to the operators and consumers the realization of all the specific Ayurvedic therapies, traditional and modern.
Since Ayuveda refers to every aspect of the mind, body and soul, it consider beauty as an intimate part of human personality. For quick access to natural beauty a deep balancing is required by Ayuverdic traditional rejuvenation therapies. According to Ayuverda, happiness, depression, sadness and relaxation are reflected in the appearance of persons, in other words Ayurveda emphasizes inner beauty and consequently the outer appearance.
Ayurvedic medicine, as well as understand the traditional medical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pediatrics, gynecology, obstetrics, ophthalmology, geriatrics, otolaryngology, general medicine and surgery, links to each of these theories specialist: • The five elements: ether - Air - Fire - Water - Earth • The three Tridosha Vata - Pitta - Kapha • The Dhatus: Rasa - rakta - mamsa - Meda - Asthi - Maya - Shukra • The three Mala: Mutri - Shakrit - Sveda • The trinity of life: Body - Mind - Soul • Microcosm and Macrocosm mproving the health, beauty and healing management in Ayurveda are based on: • Elimination of toxins • Cellular feed restoring • Balance of Dosha VRELAIN, interpreting these concepts, provides to the professionals and consumers a full line of specific products to solve numerous health problems.
Machine for removing physical and psychological stress through resonance vibrations. SERENITY is defined as an intelligent machine with many potential antistress features.
It's very appreciated by Ayuverdic medicine and Tantric medicine too. It unlock energetic nodes restoring in the tissue the interstitial spaces, relaxes the whole nervous system and it allows the physical energy to resume the natural flow.
It works through vibrations and resonances that unlock the tensions and adhesions of the tissues; It balances the energies, vibrational cellular and phisiological rhythms, it relaxes body and mind creating a deep sense of wellness.
Serenity Family works better if used in combination with appropriate VRELAIN Prana and VRELAIN Nirvana oily substances:
- Rebalancing the body's energy
- Relax of the whole nervous system
- Anxiety
- Emotional and physical stress
- Joint pain usually caused by tension
- Nervous tension
- Insomnia stress
- Muscle contracture tension
- Unlock adhesions and muscle tissue
- To facilitate relax of mind and allow deep sleep.
Electrical stimulation or passive exercise with DYNASTIM FAMILY is based on a Faradic energy that excited by a pulse motor acts on the fibers causing muscle contraction. DYNASTIM FAMILY emits electrical impulses, the contraction caused by nerve stimulation device in the treated area and involuntary and not originated from the cerebral motor centers. The shock pulses are no sudden so, if applied on a relaxed person, they do not create nor fatigue or accumulation of lactic acid; rather it gives a feeling of wellness. If the muscle structure is under a strong state of tension, you should relax it with a specific treatment. An application of a passive exercise for twenty minutes it's like three hours of active gymnastics, with the advantage that the action does not involve passive joints. Active gymnastics moves the joints near the muscle and it leaves unchanged the muscle tone, while the stimulation of passive gymanstic exercises does not move the joints and increases the muscle tone. A well balanced muscle movement allows the body complete movement joints and slows the aging process caused by articular arthritis, rheumatism and joint locks. The passive exercise strengthens the elastic fiber of the vein wall and reactivates the blood and lymphatic circulation, furthermore the wave emitted by DYNASTIM FAMILY also acts on excess of fat, on celulitic panniculus and has a slimming effect.
It's particularly suitable after a series of anti-cellulitis and slimming treatments when the muscle, which is no longer supported by fat and lymphatic stagnation, appears relaxed and without elasticity.