It represents the essential help to solve the aesthetic problems. When the tensions of the central nervous system are not removed, they influence negatively the neurovegetative system, same all the connected organs. Bioflos restores the energetic balance of all organs, thus the whole body. Bioflos is not an acupuncture but it is even more effective than it.
- search and location of the energetic points
- measurement of the energetic level in the energetic points and meridians
- normalizing therapy of the energetic equilibrium with stimulation of dispersion or toning up
- thermic treatment of the energetic points
- specific therapies with stimulation with variable frequencies.
- External diagnosis to check the energetic balance of the meridians at dermal level
- Re-equilibrating stimulation of the the energetic circulation
- Special technique of relaxation
- Special technique of tonification
- Intense joints imbalances
- Intense muscular imbalances
It is necessary in the cabins for face, hands and feet and for all other treatments also.
- Container with sterilizing bactericidal lamp for professional accessories and tools.
The electromagnetic fields of PRANELl cause an activation of the arterial, venous and lymphatic circulation with active vasodilatation due to the increase of the electric charge of the circulating liquids. The activation of the circulation brings more tissue oxygenation and a more effective drainage of the accumulated toxins.
- It replaces and integrates the lack of the earth magnetic field
- It speeds up the normal answers of the organism
- It has no contraindications.
- It normalizes the cellular organic activity
- It reactivates and normalizes the processes of breathing and cellular oxygenation
- It balances the alterations of the cellular membrane
- It increases the blood and lymphatic circulation
- It removes the inflammations on the tissues
- It stimulates the immune defences of the body
- It is particularly suggested for the aesthetic treatments against cellulite, wrinkles, stretch-marks, acne, hair loss
- It fights the pains in the joints of any kind
- It has no contraindications
For the definitive hair-removal, the KYTHOS Method is supported by DIAFLOS, a machine with physiologic current, of very easy use, and of two essential products with a specific action on the Anagen Phase of the hair, stabilizing the equilibrium of the tissues and improving the eutrophic conditions of the skin. How the KYTHOS Method acts The hair removal takes place through the vasoconstriction of the arterial capillaries which vascularize the papilla of the hair. This momentaneous vasoconstriction aims to avoid that the germinative epithelial could get nourishment and reproduce so it slows the proliferation causing alterations of the Anagen Phase (the first phase of the new growth). So the KYTOS Method blocks the reproductive capacity of the germinative epithelial cells, after having temporarily inhibited their nutrition.
TThe physiologic energetic power of DIAFLOS, is to be used in three different phases, it allows the penetration of the products, revitalizes the cutaneous tissue making it tonic, elastic and soft to the touch while the determination of this energy with the applied products, causes the interruption of the energetic flow of the growth of the hair. - it considers the hair-removal with a clear reference to the needs of the person
- it improves the state of the tissues with specific actions
- it is really safe
- it does not alter the biological functions of the tissues
- it is absolutely painless
- it is not aggressive
- it does not create any irreversible damage.
The KYTOS Method is not aggressive and it does not alter the tissues and the dermal circulation and the nearby glands. At the end of every treatment the skin becomes brighter, more hydrated and elasticized, and the subject is pleasantly relaxed.
It is suitable for the superficial and deep muscular stimulation, hypotonicity, post-traumatic reactivations, reactivation of the blood and lymphatic circulation and in all the other postural alterations.
- Stimulation for the muscular tone
- Strong slimming through the micro-vascular massage with the deep drainage
- In presence of abundant cellulites
- In presence of cellulites with circulatory problems
- Reinforcement and muscular balance in re-habilitative therapies
- In presence of postural problems for a perfect balance to use in combination with LIFLOS
The intermittent action of the bowls causes a stimulation of recall of the thin energy, to favour the rapid circulation and elimination of the stagnant impurities.
- Customizable rhythmical aspiration either for the power or for the rhythm
- Stimulation of the dermatic five circulation level.
- Strong slimming for men and women
- Solving for the cellulites
- Bio-equilibrating on the bio-energy points
- Relaxing
- Lympho-draining
- Bioequilibrating
- Specific in presence of liquids retention, swellings, adiposity
- Treatment for the energetic unblock along the meridians. It is not advisable in presence of legs with cellulites, with fragile capillaries and varicose veins.
Peristaltic segmentary presstherapy with controlled rhythmical pressure; it means a sure and painless technique to be used for the peripheral circulatory problems, for the cellulitis and the venous stasis. IIt consists applying boots containing inflating segments into which the air at controlled peristaltic pressure is blown. The pressure on the tissues goes on like a wave from the ankles to the gluteus; for this reason it is called peristaltic.
- It improves the arterial circulation
- It allows the re-absorption in the lymphatic and venous vessels of the liquids accumulated in the tissues.
- Venous stasis with or without varicose veins
- Lymphatic stasis
- Depurative therapies
- Varicose veins, after remove the inflammations with VRELAIN Slimvrel Liquid (VR01811)
- Swelling of legs and ankles
DIADRILL groups all the useful characteristics to solve every problem of the foot, either as local cure or as preventive cure. It is unique of its kind and it allows the therapist the most complete and perfect operating autonomy.
- Stimulation
- Exfoliation
- Iontophoresis
- Multi-rasp drill
- Aspiration with rhythmical air
- Thermocautery
- Electronic stimulation with controlled frequency
- Reinforcement of the ligaments and of the muscles of feet and hands through customizable intensity and frequence stimulations
- Peeling to make the skin of the feet more aseptic before any kind of treatment
- Iontophoresis for the penetration of ionized active principles
- Interventions on the feet and hands nails with the support of a set of interchangeable cutters on the multi-rasp drill
- Plantar reflexogen massage through painless rhythmical pumping bowls
- Final removal of the warts in any part of the body with thermocautery with anaesthetizing air jet
- Sterilization of the skin through electronic stimulator with controlled frequency
- Stimulation of the circulation
- Epidermic cicatrization
It makes use of the therapeutic properties of sounds, resonance and vibrations. TThrough their sequences it is possible to obtain effects restoring the emotional values. The efficacy of the therapies carried out with this machine, manufactured in our labs since more than 40 years, was tested and approved by important international institutions. VIBROFLOS acts in harmony or in replacement of the Ayurvedic Massages and of the different Indian Therapies which nowadays are always more and more diffused all over the world as these ones relax the central nervous system so really efficacious to fight the stress.
- Sound frequencies
- Frequencies of resonance
- Frequency of vibration
- Anxiety status
- Psychophysical stress
- Physical and mental tiredness
- Vibratory massage with resonance on the connective tissues
- Relaxation of the nervous system
- Hemicrania
- Deafness
- Calming in presence of joints and muscular pains
- Energetic tonifying
- Stimulating of the neuro-vegetative system for the achievement of the positive balance
Compact machine which can supply all the necessary mechanical and electrical performances for the execution of the different therapies of the face. It is richly provided of accessories, it allows to work also in the most difficult and delicate areas of the face and body. The regulations of the performances allow to choose the right intensity of action, in relation to the area of the skin to treat.
- Air beating massage for eyes, face, décolleté, scalp, breast
- Mechanical circulatory stimulation
- Bioenergetic stimulation of the face
- Pimple suction
- Reactivating air action for the wrinkles
- Nebulization of the liquid products
- Electrolytic exfoliation
- Electrolytic penetration of the liquid products
- Thermic penetration of the emulsified products
- Mechanical exfoliation with brushes
- Electrical circulatory reactivation
- Deep cleansing of the skin
- Electronic stimulation with controlled frequency.
Following the lymphatic ways of face, neck, shoulders, scalp, breast with the pulsating air massage, we obtain a beneficial action of drainage at derma level, the cutaneous swellings are removed and the elasticity of the skin increases
- The pulsating massage also allows the quick penetration of active substances on the bioenergetic points of the face
- The aspiring action allows a better removal of the pimples and of the excess of sebum and a deep stimulation of the wrinkles
- The nebulizing action allows a better distribution of the liquid and oily substances
- The electrolytic and peeling action favours the removal of the skin’s horny layer, making it aseptic and ready for the application of the specific products.
- It's effective for every kind of skin, but overall for sensitive skin with altered pH.
- The ionized active principles of the cosmetic products arrive deeper with the function of electrolytic penetration
- In the same way, the function of thermic penetration grants a very good absorption of the active substances contained in the emulsion, creams and gel
- Through a set of 8 brushes with different sizes and hardness, we obtain an excellent and deep peeling on every part of the body
- With the action of the brushes, the use of a suitable product is essential to obtain the softening of the horny layer and favour its removal. Excellent for this purpose is VRELAIN Esfolain Cream (VR00202)
- The use of the brushes can be extended to a epidermal purifying massage with the aid of the purifying cream: VRELAIN Drencell (VR01816)
- The sponge accessory is usable for cleansing the skin, in addition with the products of the VRELAIN Detergent Milks line; the pumice accessory is useful for removing callus and hard skin near nails, elbows, etc.. (it is not recommended to use the exfoliation-mechanics function if in presence of sensitive skinswith altered pH)
The cellular energetic equilibrium has essential importance for the human being, as it is an help to preserve or to recover a youthful, reinvigorated and healthy appearance. When our body uses more energy than the produced one and neither the nutrition, which is often unsuitable, is enough for the needs of the organism, a re-balancing therapy is necessary. LIFLOS stimulates the circulation and restores the cells functions, restoring tonicity, elasticity and regeneration.
- Cellular stimulation for regeneration
- Elasticization and energization of the collagen fibres at the dermatic level
- Regeneration of the epidermic layer
- Energization and firming of the muscles
- Energisation and restructuring of the muscles of face, breast and body
- Stimulation and purification at cellular level with deep regeneration
- Prevention, energisation and maintenance of the collagen fibres against the connective cutaneous ageing
- Work phase for: acne, wrinkles, stretch marks, dilated pores, scars from acne, chicken pox, scars from wounds or interventions
- Deep lymphodrainage on face, body, scalp
- Working phase for the scalp
- Unblock of the joints
- Stimulation of the intestinal evacuation in presence of constipation
- Cure and prevention of the teleangectasis, pigmentation spots, warts, vitiligo and psoriasis
- Purification and dermal restructuring
- Reactivation of the circulations at connective level
- Relaxation techniques
- Energetic unblocking and unsticking among muscles and derma
- Firming after cellulites and slimming treatments
- Stimulation in presence of necrotized cellulitis for the regeneration of the tissue
- In presence of postural problems; for a perfect rebalance use it in combination with DYNAFLOS